Dick Gaffron
Dick Will
Don Evanson
Jeffery Sherod
Jerry Knudsen
Jim Garry
John Stettler
Jon Weispfenning
LaVern Hauschildt
Matt Lisowski
Mike Berg
Ray Halvorson
Richard Moe
Bob Hermann
Bob Muras
Calvin Schleich
Dave Forest
David Henderson - D
David Terpstra
Don Harlow
Don Thompson
Jim Bronner
John Mulrooney
Lorne McDonald
Steve Nett
Terry Hackbarth
Willie Hahn
Mark Norton
Gary Roddel
Kurt Speltz
Dave Terpstra
D – Director
Dick Hegle
Bass with the
Winona Hims 5 years
Frank Rocco
Bass with the
Winona Hims 5 years
Duane Peterson
Lead with the
Winona Hims 7 years
Calvin Friesen
Bass with the
Winona Hims 9 years
Craig Newcomb
Bass with the
Winona Hims 3 years
Bob Wilke
Bass with the
Winona Hims 2 years
2010 The Winona Hims | All Rights Reserved | Winona MN | Website Design by pelaezcreative.com